Gwendoline Christie’s has had an interesting career so far. Exlpore her biography, facts, and body statistics below!
Gwendoline was born in Worthing, UK. In 2005, Christie graduated from Drama Centre London. She had couple of smaller roles on TV but her huge succes was role of Brienne of Tarth. She started appearing on Game of Thrones in 2012 and is still working on new episodes in present. Christie also plays Lexi in TV show Wizards vs Aliens. In 2015, Gwendoline will have a role on Star Wars Episode VII.
Not much information is available about her private life. There is no information about her past dating life. She is currently in a relationship with Giles Deacon. They have been together since 2013. They don’t have any children. Due to her height, she was a victim of constant bullying during her teen years.
Gwendoline Christie Age
How old is Gwendoline Christie? She was born in 1978, she is 46 years old.
Gwendoline Christie Height & Weight
How tall is Gwendoline Christie? She stands 6 feet 2 inches (190 cm) tall.
What is Gwendoline Christie's weight? She weighs 160 lbs (72.5 kg).
Gwendoline Christie Wiki
Famous as | Actor |
Age | 46 years old |
Birthday | October 28, 1978 |
Birthplace | N/A |
Zodiac Sign | Scorpio |
Height | approx. 6 ft 2 in (190 cm) |
Weight | approx. 160 lbs (72.5 kg) |
Net Worth | $4 Million |
Quotes by Gwendoline Christie
"I love the character of Jaime Lannister. He's just so complex - a character that we love to hate - but it's a lot more complex than hatred. It starts off, and he seems so arrogant and so smug."
Gwendoline Christie
"I used to do karaoke with Patrick Woolf in a karaoke box, and he would ring me up and say, 'Come down and do karaoke with me here,' and then we'd sing Kate Bush songs and get really, really emotional and theatrical in the booth."
Gwendoline Christie
"The whole format of 'Game of Thrones' is that you just don't know what to expect."
Gwendoline Christie
"The fantasy genre has so far rather embraced me, and I'm incredibly grateful for that."
Gwendoline Christie
"I quite like looking mucky; it's quite nice not having to care about how you look."
Gwendoline Christie